How to hack wifi password in Samsung mobile

Today with the great advances in the technology part, being able to hack wifi, is something very simple to achieve, provided you have the knowledge to do so, and the right programs.

As you probably know that most of the people use Samsung mobiles, so I’ll teach you how to hack wifi password in Samsung mobiles with Apps.

It really does not take you to be a computer guru, to jump the security of Wi-Fi networks, you just need an android device and the right applications.

If you want to learn to decrypt the passwords of the wifi networks, in record time, then you must continue reading; as we will teach you everything about:

How to hack wifi password in Samsung mobile

Security Levels of Wifi Networks

Before entering to decipher the keys, it is important to know the security levels with which these types of networks work. This way, it will be much easier to download the appropriate application, to hack wifi. The levels of security are as follows.

Null security

In most cases, routers are initially configured with this type of security. In the part of its configuration, it is easy to decipher it through these initials “wap” and “wpa2. To configure it, you only have to selectively enable or disable.

Low security

Usually, the devices that have this type of security, are characterized by having the password written on the bottom, through a sticker.

In this type of networks, the level of security is ensured according to the bits it has in its initial configuration. For example a WEP network of 64 bits, 112 bits, 128 bits, 256 bits, among others. The longer the bit amount is chosen, the more characters can have the password.

It is said to have a Low security since regardless of a number of characters the password has, it is possible to decrypt it in just 1 hour.

Medium security

It is one of the most important, and with a level of security greater than the aforementioned. It is characterized by the acronym “WPA or wpa2. In it, it is possible to choose between additional security functions, such as AES or TKIP. In addition to allowing a long password.

This type of keys is a little more difficult to decipher.

According to the experts in the area, it would take more than 10 days to capture packages with Specialized programs such as Wifislax (It is included in the Linux Backtrack distribution or Kali Linux from which we will bring you a complete tutorial) and approximately 4 days of processing, so someone can hack wifi.

People who use this encoding also turn off the router at night, and thus interrupt the process of capturing packets. In this way, those who are trying to decipher the key must begin again.

Another way to configure this network, to have a medium security, is to disable the router’s DHCP and configure the IP / AP of all computers that wish to be connected, manually.

Is there any other way to hack wifi?

In addition to adding a whitelist filtering, which indicates the computers that have permission to connect, or blacklisting, to configure those that can not access the network. There are also people who hide the name of the wifi network.

Now, to attempt to decipher this network, an assailant should do the following.

  1. Guess the name of the wireless network.
  2. Discover the range that has the IP of the computer, and find out the free IP to be able to access the router.
  3. Try to fake your MAC, and try to match the MAC of some computer that is on the whitelist, or to prevent your computer from being included in the blacklist.
  4. Try to capture packets, for at least 10 days in a row, without any interruption.
  5. Leave the computer trying to locate the password of the wifi network, for 4 continuous days, taking the risk that the key does not match, and it will play again

High security

hack wifi

In this type of security, everything mentioned in the security medium is included. In addition, authentication mechanisms are added between the client-server, firewalls are activated, static routing is done, the scope of network coverage is studied, and key changes are made periodically.

All these security measures, reduce the chances of accessing this network, in an easy way, as they try to cover all the gaps that can give space to hackers, to enter your system.

As you can see, the security of the Wi-Fi networks plays a fundamental role in the attempt to hack the same. That is why it is important to know everything we can do with our router, and avoid being victims of hackers.

Decode The Wifi Keys With Android

After knowing the security levels of the networks, it is important to mention that they can all be decrypted with the Android applications, which we will explain below.

It is important to clarify that these are not programs to steal wifi, they are totally legal applications, which serve to check the security of our network. In this way, you can take the necessary measures, and protect it from hackers or external users, who try to access it.

Wifi hacker apps for android that really work are as follows.

Router Keygen

It is one of the most powerful applications to decode the wifi. It is completely free, and you can download it directly from the store Android, “play store“.

Password Wifi

It is another of the most used, to access vulnerable Wi-Fi networks. In case they throw out that if they are vulnerable, it will be easy to discover the password. Like the previous one, it’s free and it’s in the Android store. download here

Wifi passwords

Decrypting the keys of the most vulnerable networks is the task of this application. Once discovered, they are placed in yellow so that the user can view them with ease. Download it here

ReveLA Wifi

It is perfect for deciphering the keys of the most vulnerable networks, and those with a high level of security. In addition to revealing the keys, stores them instantly, so you do not have to try to locate it the next time you are near the network. you can download it from here

Get Wifi

It is not so well known, but it manages to decipher the passwords of the networks of the 3 levels of security, mentioned above. In addition, you get the keys that have been encrypted, in an effective and simple way. Like ReveLa Wifi, it makes a backup of the keys, for a future use.

How Do Applications Work to Decipher Keys?

The applications for hacking wifi in android, have different characteristics, in terms of interface, and usability; but all agree on the processes they perform to decipher the keys. They are as follows.

Scan networks

The first function of applications is to try to scan the networks that are closest to you. Everything will depend on the reach of the mobile device you have. The more advanced it is, the more range it will have.

In the event that you try to discover one that is not so close to where you are, you must mobilize, until you reach to receive the signal of that network.

Network Division

It then splits between supported and unsupported networks. Depending on the application, the colors used for this type of division may vary. For example, in the case of Router Keygen, the color used is red.

Those that are classified as supported indicate that they have a low-security level. This means that it is possible to know your password easily. In case it is your network, it is time to check your security levels, and try to make it a little more secure.

Disclosure of passwords

In this step, it is where the passwords that the supported networks will be revealed. Some applications have the function of storing them, not have to re-write them in the future, and others do not.

Connect to the wifi network

Once the network is chosen, and the password is revealed, the last step is to access the network. On most Android devices, the wifi settings are found in the “settings” section. From there you can enter the password and connect without a problem.

How To Hack Wifi Networks

With the popularity of the Internet, it is common to find several areas with wifi access. However, in most cases, they are restricted. The reasons can be many, for example in the case of commercial premises, can only have access to people who are consuming some service there.


If it is a question of houses, it is normal for the owners to block their network since the more equipment connected to the network exists, the response time is lower, becoming a very slow connection.

However, regardless of the reasons why they are blocked, with the applications mentioned above, it is possible to decrypt them, with ease.

There is no doubt that the reach obtained by Wi-Fi networks continues to increase, and the desire to enjoy it is something that we all want to achieve. So do not wait any longer and use the app you like most to hack wifi.

Note: This article “how to hack wifi” is only for the educational purpose, it doesn’t mean that you use hacked wifi all the time, it’s for those who could be in a big hurry or any emergency then you have to hack wifi.

These apps can be used to hack wifi password using Samsung j2, grand prime, j5 etc.


2 thoughts on “How to hack wifi password in Samsung mobile”

  1. I’m sorry but I’m not sure that I could hack into Wi-Fi networks was really just to confusing for me to figure out.

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