Facebook uses biometric technology to detect fake profiles

Facebook has acquired the software company Confirm. io, specializing in the purchase of ID cards. This is a measure that could help the famous social media site learn how people buy advertising.

But this would not be the only reason why the world’s most famous social network has become interested in this Boston-based company. Confirm. io’s main objective is to use technology to protect people on the Internet. In addition, this platform has the exclusivity of API technology, that is, it has the ability to apply the biometric system to images and documents to declare their authenticity.

This is precisely what has attracted Facebook’s attention. Confirm. io could help this social media site to verify user accounts, search for stolen accounts and even use it to clearly identify all its users.


Without going any further, the Silicon Valley company has explained in a statement that “technology and expertise will help our current efforts to keep our community safe.

Facebook’s limited ability to identify those who buy advertising has also been a strong reason to bet on the purchase of Confirm. io.

Even so, Facebook’s limited ability to identify those who buy advertising has also been a strong reason to bet on the purchase of Confirm. io. Indeed, some American parliamentarians had already expressed this concern.

Although the details of the negotiation are still unknown, after three years, the agreement will enable Facebook to take advantage of the company’s biometric system and authenticate the identity of its ad buyers as well.



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