Twitter, Barack Obama beats Donald Trump 3-0

The former president outclasses his successor in the ranking of the 10 most popular posts in 2017. The record of the likes, 4.6 million, for the chirping with the boys of different ethnic groups at the window.

Smash of Barack Obama to Donald Trump, none other than on Twitter that has spread the ranking of the most popular posts of 2017. Trump has not even entered the top ten where there are instead 3 chirps of the former president.

For the current White House tenant, the consolation prize consists of the fact that he was the leader on which he tweeted, again according to social media data. The chirp that got more ‘like’, about 4.6 million, was released on August 12, 2017, on Obama’s personal account, the day of the “deadly” meeting of white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia.


It is a picture of some children of different ethnic groups who look at Obama from a window while he smiles at him and is accompanied by a quote from Nelson Mandela. “No one was born to hate another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion …”, reads Obama’s first tweet in the standings, which was also the most retweeted of 2017.