How to send SMS messages using Alexa? Mobitechinfo

Yes, It is true that you can Send SMS Messages using Alexa because it has been declared by Amazon Today.

Amazon declares today that it has launched a news SMS messaging feature for Alexa devices in America.

This feature allows you to send the text to all your friends or family or other people whom you want to send using your Voice.

The Users are allowed to ask Alexa to send an SMS to a particular contact, and Alexa will help you to route it appropriately.

You should be aware of that You can just send SMS messages to those who use Android smartphones.

Now, lets come to the point. This is all about “How you can use Alexa to send SMS to your Family or friends?”.

In order to get started, all you have to do is follow the given instructions. These Instructions will appear Via pop-up in the Alexa app on Android Device.

First of all


Go to Conversation Tab

Select “Contacts” after that “My profile”

After that, you need to Enable the “Send SMS” feature on.

(It should be clear that you’re not sending SMS messages using app itself but from Alexa device Via Voice).

If you don’t want to send SMS Message or text message directly then you can ask Alexa to send it.

This SMS message will be routed to Alexa device first.

Do you remember Alexa launched free messaging and calls last year but that feature could work only between Echo devices, limiting its adoption?

